Business & Marketing

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From Solo to Team: Navigating the Transition of Hiring Your First Hire for Your Photography Business

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a solo entrepreneur who’s built your business from the ground up (and maybe feeling a bit of pride—and a lot of exhaustion—about that). You’ve reached a point where the workload is more than one person can handle, and you know it’s time to bring someone else on board. Maybe that’s for editing, updating your social media, or helping with sales and customer support. But the thought of hiring your first employee? It’s both exciting and downright terrifying, right?

Studio Photo
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Business Analysis of a Photography Studio Business Model: Sharing Your Space

Starting a photography studio is an exciting venture, but it comes with its fair share of challenges—especially when it comes to making the numbers work. As a photographer, your passion lies in capturing moments, not necessarily in managing the intricacies of business expenses and revenue models. But understanding these aspects is essential to ensure your studio not only survives but thrives. If you're considering sharing your studio space with other photographers, whether through a rental system or a membership model, this guide is for you.